I visited Bentfield Primary School in Stansted as part of British Science Week. I met with headteacher David Rogers who gave me a tour of the school.
I also got to watch a great workshop led by Andrew Green of ComputerXplorer – who was holding a computer programming workshop, teaching some of the Year 5 children basic coding. As a programmer myself, I was very impressed to see the emphasis being put on STEM subjects. In the digital age we are now in, it’s a necessary step to be skilled in these areas at an early age. I was particularly struck by the coding skills of Chloe, Harriet, Alfie and Oliver!
Bentfield is unique in all of Essex due to that a significant number of the children have complex health, physical, developmental and lifelong learning needs. These pupils are taught within the mainstream classes alongside their peers.
What this means is that all pupils develop an awareness of the diverse physical, emotional and educational needs of their classmates. I am very proud of what they do and grateful for what they do for our local community.
Thank you to teacher Mary Hamblyn for the invitation.