This morning I joined Dementia Friends after attending the Saffron Walden Dementia Action Alliance’s awareness course. Thank you to Jean Burnham (pictured) for such a well-delivered and informative presentation on what it’s like living with dementia and caring for someone with the condition.
I thought I knew quite a bit about the subject, but it is amazing how many misconceptions there are about this disease. For example, it isn’t just something that affects older people. I heard very moving accounts from carers about their loved ones and what a difference it makes becoming a dementia-friendly community.
Saffron Walden Dementia Action Alliance organises these awareness sessions frequently with local organisations and volunteers. It helps the community to spot the early signs in those around us and gives us an opportunity to improve someone’s quality of life when they get the disease.
There are many things that we can all do as individuals and businesses to make life easier for dementia sufferers. If you would like to volunteer or join Dementia Friends, please email [email protected]